Day 31


Silver stacking rings, Arbotique Designs

Halloween Tuesday

Well I had plans to write a deep post about the masks we all wear, and how alcohol plays a part. But then I had an absolutely wonderful, chaotic, crazy, candy-filled evening.

Right now my head is ringing with little boy giggles, my heart is warm with the company of good friends, I’m still laughing at my husband’s costume and the fact that he wore it all around our neighborhood (although I will preserve his dignity by not mentioning it here), and it’s all Enough. In the best possible way.

The deep thoughts will have to wait until tomorrow.

It’s worth mentioning though, that today marks Month 1 for me. And I ordered my first stacking ring to celebrate. It feels like I have a long road ahead but the changes I see, both current and potential, are all positive.

Bring it on, Month 2!