Day 143

Lamberts Point Pier 6, Norfolk, Virginia


Back to work and the regular routine, thank god.

Kids off to daycare, work work work, therapy, work work, dinner, boys’ baths, workout, groceries, mindless Facebook scrolling, now bed. Goal is to be IN BED by 11pm [Edit: I was unsuccessful].

When in doubt, stick to the routine. I was starting to feel lost without ours!

Somehow, over the holidays, I lost a bit of my sobriety mojo. I’m still 100% dry, but I need to get the motivation for mental and physical healthiness back. Hopefully, the routine will give me the mental space to combat the laziness and get back on track.

Gratitude Postscript

I’m grateful that today’s creative review went better than last week’s. I’m chipping away at a number of freelance projects that had been overwhelming just a couple weeks ago, but small steps are adding up.