First Beach Day Saturday
What a perfect day for the first beach day of the season. And another First for my sober journey… coming home after the beach WITHOUT having a cocktail or glass of white wine.
And yes, I was missing it. Especially when little W had a meltdown after waking up from his car nap… the type of meltdown that continues through the rest of the evening until mom & dad can get him to bed and breath a sigh of relief.
Days at the beach are The Best. And also exhausting with twins of a certain age. Each year it gets a bit easier and this year, I’m in shape so I can keep up pretty well. But after a few rounds of dragging them down the beach on a blanket, running to the playground and back, “carry me, mom!” over the hot sand and other activities, I’m beat.
C’s glass of chilled white looked especially good tonight.
Instead, I’m hydrating with seltzer and my body is thanking me.
Grateful for the perfect weather to kick off summer beach season, that C found our beach badges purchased as gifts for Xmas, for the fun I had with the boys while C played volleyball, that we have a three-day weekend and grateful to be sober through it all.