Day 28

Mask pattern by Wintercroft


I did it! I made it through today. Quite proud of myself. And maybe this is a pink cloud talking but it wasn’t that hard! I really honestly had just as much fun at the party as I would have if I were drinking – and was able to get in and out cleanly, without leaving behind awkward drunken conversations that I didn’t remember, or did and regretted, without falling asleep on the car ride home or not remembering HOW I got home and waking up the next morning with half my costume still on, without driving drunk or buzzed, and with my dignity and self-respect intact.

I went, I saw, I conquered. Woohoo!!! 

Today was super packed, starting with boys’ commitments through the morning and afternoon, halloween costume prep for them and myself in between, then a rush to get them in bed before the sitter arrived so I could race out to the party. By that point, I was feeling rather haggard and didn’t even want to go. But the sitter arrived and I didn’t want to send her home. Plus, I’d been up to midnight last night making my mask and I wasn’t going to waste that dammit.

So I powered through, with my plan, and did everything I intended to: ate from the tasty buffet, scared some people, got my tarot cards read, chatted up a bunch of C’s coworkers, primarily his boss and boss’s wife (put in a better impression than previous years I’m sure!), took a pictures of the best handmade costumes – of which there were quite a few, had a seltzer and cranberry, and danced my ass off until my mask broke. All in all, quite a successful night.

And now I’m exhausted and headed to bed. Thank god there won’t be a hangover tomorrow.