Day 51

Butternut Squash and Caramelized Onion Galette


So I’m phoning it in tonight. 1) It’s 11:30 and I just wrote and lost a post into the ether due to a bad internet connection. 2) It’s been a long day and will probably be another interrupted night’s sleep tonight so I better try to fall asleep before the boys start waking up due to “night-marrers”

Today in summary – rough morning due to previously mentioned sleep-interrupters, long work day filled with schizophrenic projects all starting and stopping and changing throughout the day, then the race home to put boys down in time to meet my trainer at the gym – fingers crossed no one started throwing a fit when I left because C is sick of dealing without me. Dinner at 9:30, then a Stranger Things episode because I want to catch up with family about Season 2 over the holiday, and now I hear a little voice calling me from the other room… sigh.

In other news, I did find a yummy recipe I want to try for Thanksgiving!

Smitten Kitchen’s Butternut Squash and Carmelized Onion Galette