Day 319


I may not have come out on my own Facebook wall as “dry” yet, but I’m testing the waters by posting publicly about the topic. Last night I was inspired to join the fray on a post asking people to share their unpopular opinions: 

“I think alcohol should be treated with the same warnings, restrictions and taxes as cigarettes. It’s highly addictive and detrimental to the health of those who consume it AND those in proximity in similarly proven ways.”

My passionate foray, although not written as well as it could have been, has received primarily positive replies. And I’m encouraged that although it might be an unpopular idea among my drinking family & friends, overall – it’s not that farfetched.

Still slumping along, no pink clouds in sight and certainly not lauding my current lifestyle and personal choices as the best route out of alcohol addiction… but for today, I’m still quit.

And that’ll do.



Day 317

The Three Fishes, Kerry Hyndman


It’s been a whole week since I posted.

I don’t have any excuse. I’ve just been feeling rebellious lately. No, I don’t WANT to exercise. or read parenting books. or exert self control.

or blog.

Every day over the past week, as evening approached, I’d spend a few minutes thinking about what to write and come up short. I don’t know why, really, except that things haven’t been processing in the steady positive upward direction that’s so easy to write about.

I’m in a Slump.

Some amount of ill-defined personal stress is getting to me in a number of physical ways (TMJ from nightly teeth clenching has my ears plugged up, feeling like an ear infection, fingernails are bitten to the quick – yes, disgusting, upper back is a ball of knots, and I’m having stress nightmares).

And my healthy coping mechanisms have gone by the wayside in favor of the less healthy ones – mentioned in a previous post.

I can’t put my finger on exactly what is causing this though, which of course is stressful in and of itself.

All that to say, I don’t have a neat & tidy post to share, so I’ve stayed quiet.

But still 100% sober.



Day 310

Afterglow, Grounds for Sculpture


Well, the art opening went pretty much as expected. Loads of interesting indie art on the walls, people with heads together chatting quietly while examining the details up close, overly hip and slightly snobbish staff in attendance.

Turned out, the open bar had only alcohol, no seltzer. And my friend wasn’t there when it started, so I waited around drink-less for the better part of an hour, circling the gallery a few times and even considering buying one of the less expensive works. As the gallery filled up with people sipping wine & drinking beer, the smell of alcohol started to permeate the small space.

It wasn’t hard to say No, but I will admit to feeling a bit annoyed that they didn’t have *something* non-alcoholic for us liver-conscious few.

In the end, K arrived and seemed grateful that I was there so it felt worth it. We caught up for a few minutes and I was surprised at how awkward it felt for some unapparent reason. Maybe the fact that I’d hoped to just breeze in and say hi but instead appeared to be that overly attentive friend/art fan, who waits all evening for a glimpse of the artist.

I wondered afterward whether alcohol would have helped or hurt that interaction and decided that it definitely would have made it worse.

Speaking of awkward social interactions and the effect of liquid lubrication, I’m trying to convince my friend S (the one thinking about quitting herself) to attend a local art show & networking event next Saturday. I mainly want to go because it looks like my kind of fun – it’s at the Grounds for Sculpture, with pop-up light-based art installations going on throughout the night. It’s also a pricey affair so S and I were looking into what exactly was included. Booze, booze and more booze, for sure. And possibly some food. 

From the invite, it looks like booze is key. And I guess that’s true of most networking events. It’s making me reconsider the idea… 

Day 307

Best Street Style Looks of MFW Fall 2018


Next week, I’m turning over a new leaf. Back on track with a more reasonable use of MJ, and tracking my spending for the month of August as well. I’ve also put plans in the works to start my daily HIIT exercise routine back up in September, together with a friend who wants to do a challenge with me.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I pulled myself together today and have been floating around on a bit of a pink cloud.

Last night’s street fashion overload had me picking out a less-than-normal outfit this morning, with the thought that I might attend a friend’s art opening this evening in Philly. Crew-neck white cotton tee, tucked into a body-con black skirt hiked up to my rib cage. Black leather sash belt and punk necklace tie the look together with taupe booties and lots of leg lotion. I knew I was rocking it when I turned heads left & right picking up my lunch…

Now, I just need to get up the energy to make it into Philly tonight (assuming C is OK with it since I forgot to mention, oops)

And if I do – I will admit, this being my first art opening since quitting, avoiding the alcohol will be tough. Art openings can be filled with way-too-serious people, everyone avoiding eye contact and furiously chatting up their friends while sipping away on something strong. The only person I’ll know there will be one of the artists, who I’m sure will be surrounded by interested parties… leaving me way to much leeway to figure out what to do with my time.

The Plan: Take a loop around, grab a seltzer, say hi to K and hit the road for home.

Day 306

Nike Air Max 1 QS Sneaker



So it’s time for a little wake-up call.

I’ve been trying to focus on the positive changes in this journal, but I’m realizing that lately it’s been at the expense of honesty with myself.

The truth is that, while I’m learning and growing and healthy and grateful… I’m also struggling with other addictions creeping in as replacements for the alcohol.

And lately, they’re getting worse.

In the hopes that it will help me (and maybe anyone reading this), here is the full disclosure.

The pot smoking is now almost every night, where before I’d reserved it only for Friday & Saturday evenings.

And the online shopping could be probably classified as a genuine addiction at this point. I visit one store almost daily, and make multiple purchases a month.

It’s embarrassing to write this out, but I need to wake up to what is happening.

At exactly the same times of day and for the exact same reasons, I find myself smoking and shopping. To escape, as a reward, when I’m angry with C, to relax, to feel creative, to get a burst of endorphins.

I don’t have any solutions at the moment. For now I’m hoping that a more transparent awareness of the problem will start me on the path to fixing it.

Late PM thought: maybe I’ll just window shop.

Best of NYFW S/S 2017 Street Style

Day 305


Somewhere in there I fell off the wagon.

The journal wagon, that is.

Still 100% stone cold sober. Even after a week with my niece. Actually, it was a totally awesomeee week (said in an exaggerated teen voice with a little vocal fry at the end).

I learned a lot. Like that my Adidas sneakers are Basic White Girl, although I’d like to think I’m not basic. Hypies are kids who wear only high-end labels like Gucci & Prada. Flossing is more than just a hygiene staple, although the dance move is already out of fashion with the older kids (“only little kids do it now”). And I finally know how to Snapchat. But btw, Facebook/Snapchat/Instagram are all boring… VSCO is the new platform. Just images, very little chatting/text. And apparently, getting the right content for your curated VSCO collection takes a lot of energy and thought.

My mind filled with sunshine, surf style, boardwalk eats, horrible horror movies (Teeth, anyone?), and loads of conversations about life in a 15yo’s world, I’m still catching up with my usual routine and life expectations but it’s taking a while.

In the words of Z, I’m shook.



Day 298

Asbury Park, NJ


So my 15yo niece, Z, is visiting this week – which is pretty awesome. She and I have been close ever since she was little, and I’m psyched to be spending time with her. I’m still working so there is a bit of juggling happening during the days – today I worked from a beach-front restaurant in Asbury Park while she shopped the boardwalk. Tomorrow we head into Brooklyn to visit family and do the same.

Thanks to her presence in the evening, I’m curbing any pot smoking and going to bed early – so I can thank her for that.

As much as I framed my reaction to the aftermath of the party positively on Monday, there have been some enduring effects that have weighed on me since then – and I am trying to ward off the internal doldrums to be 100% present for Z.

Grateful for the sobriety to process this in the rare spaces I have around work & home life right now, and for an appointment with a new therapist tomorrow. Things with C and I have been good since the party – we always work well together when hosting, and it’s a bonding experience. The boys are their usual hilarious and strenuous selves, who I adore completely. Life is good.

PS. I may be a bit absent over the next few days due to Z’s visit – but guaranteed, staying sober is still on the agenda.

Day 296


Back to work after a full weekend. The party was a big success, in spite of the rain. Lots of friends and neighbors, hanging out eating good food and drinking – a LOT. Except for me and a handful of others who were less exuberant about downing the beer, cocktails, whiskey etc.

I found myself pulled in so many directions, happily spinning around the party and enjoying each conversation. In the back of my mind was a voice-over of what my responses *would* have been if I’d been drinking: more likely to try to make a joke out of what they were saying, less likely to actually hear them, always half a second away from moving on to the next conversation, spinning each person’s story into a similar one of my own, laughing too loud, and just generally a bit disconnected.

This time, though, I was 100% present. I talked a lot less and felt more secure about it. I was genuinely curious about the conversations, and as others became intoxicated, it was amusing to notice how that changed people’s way of communicating. 

Some people get overly loving, others dominate the conversation, some become more reserved or touchy about certain topics, and some share their most personal hopes and dreams. 

I remember heading into this party in the past, hoping that I wouldn’t divulge certain things I thought or felt while under the influence (and most likely disappointing myself in the end). 

The morning after, I was happy to know that there would be no snippets of regretted conversation floating around in my head, no concerns that I’d led someone on by being too effusive, no one I’d feel a need to apologize to the next time I saw them.

I wasn’t a bad drunk – just a typical one.

And this time, for so many reasons, it was nice to be SOBER.

Even in the aftermath review of the party – who flirted with who, who said something offensive, who pressed themselves on my husband, and who was obviously drunk – my reaction to all of it was more adult, more perceptive, less reactive than it would have been in the past.

Feeling grateful.

Day 293

Silence/Shapes, by Filippo Minelli


Feeling a bit pink-cloud-ish today, and enjoying it. 

Driving in to work, I found myself reviewing all the ways that my life has improved since quitting – spurred by a photo I took recently where I look thinner, happier and healthier. And it’s true, life IS better.

Sure, the usual ups and downs are still there. My marriage still needs a lot of work. The world is going to hell in a hand basket. My kids drive me nuts, and it drives me nuts that they drive me nuts.

But overall, it helps to take a look back and see how far I’ve come.

Scrolling through my phone looking for an old picture, I found a similar picture of myself from a year ago. At the time, I would not have said I was unhealthy, or fat, or unhappy for the most part. But seeing that picture in comparison with the one taken recently shows a striking difference.

Not only am I thinner, my skin healthier, my smile more centered and real – but my eyes are brighter. I’m more alert than I was a year ago.

Grateful for this reminder of how much has changed for the better – especially when I’ve been a bit down lately.

Tomorrow is the big party, so I’m equally excited and stressed out (weather is still predicting ~50% chance of rain)… but I’m looking forward to experiencing the hostess role completely sober. No worries about saying or doing the wrong thing under the influence!


Day 292

Spindrift blackberry spritzer


In spite of work & home distractions, I’m remaining focused on party prep (of course, the most important thing now that I’m finally excited about it!). And today’s post is a plug for the new sparkling drink I’ve discovered:


It’s sparkling water with fruit juice, no added sugar or color. And it’s amazing.

I’ve been drinking the La Croix like they’re going out of style, but my brother just turned me on to these… which if you’re looking for something bubbly & refreshing with a little flavor, and just the right amount of actual not-to-sweet natural fruit juice – this is it!

I’d been looking for a “dry” sparkling drink, and I finally found it. Blackberry Spindrift is perfect. The perfect balance of little sour, a little sweet, and a little sparkle.

I’m going to experiment tonight by adding this to the party cocktail taste-testing (C is helping out) – it may end up replacing ginger beer with this as the soda for one of the drinks. That is, of course, if I decide to share the 18-pack I just bought.

Now I’m off to invite the neighbors – given that we’re having live music, it’s the polite thing to do… plus, I’m excited!